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Samples not looping when selected to loop

Catégorie : Aide
  • For some reason, yesterday polyphone crashed while i was making a soundfont , and then when i had to do it again, the looping samples wont loop. Does anyone have a idea of what this problem is?

    P.S. i saved the soundfont for someone to test it
  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    Hello John Joseph Hall,

    Welcome to the world of soundfonts!

    I checked the soundfont you attached, and there seems to be nothing wrong with the loops. Please re-check the soundfont and tell me if it is working again.

    Anyway, if there is a genuine problem, than I believe that it is to do with a bug in Polyphone itself. Please tell me the version of Polyphone you are using.


  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    hi John, i checked it too and the loops are looping like they should, but the samples in the Shopdrums-instrument are blocked because rhe loopend is at the beginning of the sample.
    open these samples in the Samples-view and rightclick near the end in these samples.
    regards bottrop
  • At the time, i was using polyphone version 1.9, maybe it's the midi player im using.

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