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Vibrato and modulation

Catégorie : Aide
  • Or 3 0
    Message de Organist le
    I have a question about using vibrato (and other modulation stuff) in Polyphone.

    When I add vibrato to an instrument or a preset in Polyphone, it seem to work fine. But if I load my soundfont in a Sf2-player, I hear no vibrato. The only way to get the right sound, is export the soundfont as a SFZ-file and play it with Plogue Sforzando. But I prefer using it as a Sf2. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the Sf2-format not suitable for vibrato and other modulators?

    Hans (from the Netherlands)
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le 1
    The sound engine embedded in Polyphone should reproduce accurately the sound of the presets except for the modulators defined here:…editor#doc_modulator (this has not been implemented yet).
    You may check with FluidSynth (Swami is using it) if the vibrato is right, I consider this software as a reference.
    If only the other sf2-player provides no vibrato, you may send them a bug report.
  • Or 3 0
    Message de Organist le
    The problem might be solved! My soundfont player (Phenome) seems not being able to play vibrato and other modulations. Neither does Saffron Soundfontplayer. RGC Audio SFZ(+) and Jeskola XS-1 do te job right.

  • AC 13 0
    Message de Alex C le
    Did you mean "software vibrato" or specific samples used for vibrato separately?
  • Or 3 0
    Message de Organist le
    Hi Alex C!

    I mean the vibrato options you can edit in Polyphone's instrument or preset screen, like "Vib LFO Delay", "Vib LFO freq" and "Vib LFO pitch".


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