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Key Range vs Root Key vs Sample Root Key?

  • Ch 2 0
    Message de Channel le
    I'm currently making a soundfont meant to emulate the sounds from the Konami VRC6. I am assigning a separate sample for keys A2 to C8 of each instrument to make each note (in that range) as authentic as possible, but there seems to be multiple ways of doing that. I think I understand the relationship between the root key and the key range, but the editor also has the option to set the sample root key. What's the difference between this and the root key? Should I set both if I want each sample to only occupy a single key? (see attachment for extra clarification)
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    the sample rootkey is the actual rootkey of the sample (no need to assign this)

    with Rootkey setting you can make the sample sound higher (if set lower than the actual rootkey) or lower (if set higher than the actual rootkey), but this will affect the soundquality in a negative way.

    regards bottrop

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