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Strange noise appear at the end of the sound

  • AL 18 0
    Message de alawab le
    Hi Sir,

    I have made a Chinese PIPA instrument SF2 recently, and I load and use it with Sforzando

    Some how a strange noise will appear at the end of some notes, and there isn't such a noise in my sample file.

    Same problem are also discovered in my Drums instruments.

    I upload the sf2 file and the output audio to google drive
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    what can you say about a .png file?
    nice picture.
    post the .sf2 or at least the sample.
    regards bottrop
  • AL 18 0
    Message de alawab le
    I upload them to my google drive, because they are too big.…cpuZhjCp?usp=sharing 
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    cant get access to your upload on Google Drive
    regards bottrop
  • AL 18 0
    Message de alawab le
    sorry, I have changed the permission
    Please check it again.

    Thank you
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i hear nothing strange in the soundfont, nor in the audio output waves (played the waves in Windows Media Player and Soundforge Wave Editor, through my stereo, my neighbours can testify) so i guess there is something wrong with your audio.

    in the soundfont i would assign 2 or 3 milliseconds Attack to Volume, to avoid possible clicks
    and a longer Release, up to 1 second for a picked instrument is fine.
    regards bottrop
  • AL 18 0
    Message de alawab le
    bottrop, le -
    i hear nothing strange in the soundfont, nor in the audio output waves (played the waves in Windows Media Player and Soundforge Wave Editor, through my stereo, my neighbours can testify) so i guess there is something wrong with your audio.

    in the soundfont i would assign 2 or 3 milliseconds Attack to Volume, to avoid possible clicks
    and a longer Release, up to 1 second for a picked instrument is fine.
    regards bottrop
    Thanks for listening, you can open the audio file in any daw, or audio editor, you will see there is a click appear in around 4 second.
  • ZI 190 0
    In the wav samples in your folder on the Drive, a click is heard where the Sample data ends.
    I guess it's your sfz player that did it.

    This means that at the end of the sample, the waveform has not yet reached the zero point. Your Sfz player also closes the suddenly cut sound with a click (I think there is also an amplify here while the sample is playing).

    A solution might be to process the samples in another software and put them into fade out.
    Adding a loop at the very end of the samples can also fix the problem.

    Because when the sample reaches the end, the release parameter will not take effect without a loop.
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    yes there are clicks at the end of the data in some of the recordings, but the samples in the soundfont are absolutely clean, no need to do any processing on the samples.
    there is something wrong with recording or your soundfont player.
    i play soundfonts through Coolsoft MidiSynth, that plays sf2's as sharp as my Audigy card and is much easier to use.
  • AL 18 0
    Message de alawab le
    Thank you very much, I discovered that the click only appear when I use the sf2 player "sforzando"

    And I've tried your suggestions , and they both work! Thank you very much again!

    Because when the sample reaches the end, the release parameter will not take effect without a loop.

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