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I can't view the online reposotory

  • JE 2 0
    Message de Jeff Easter le 3
    When I go to settings for the online repository, it says:

    error 301

    when I click the connection button

    I have my correct username and password in there.
  • FF 1 0
    I Have the same issue here
  • Ba 1 0
    Message de Bart le
    Exactly what I have.
    Polyphone version 2.2.0
    Windows 10 home Version 1903
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Sorry for that ! This is now fixed.
    A recent website update introduced some bugs
  • JE 2 0
    Message de Jeff Easter le like a charm now!!!

    Thanks for the fix!!!
  • Ei 2 0
    Message de Einar le
    I have a very similar issue. I have just now logged into the website with my current username/password and am replying to this post so I know that aspect works.

    In v2.3.1 (on openSuSE Leap 15.6 x64 vi FlatPak)...

    When I go to the "Online Repository" tab, I see "Server error" in red next to the "Connection" button. When I click on the "Connection" button itself, it seems to spin but returns with the same error message.

    I've paid via PayPal to access the repository. Shouldn't I be able to access the online repository and unlimited upload/download?

    Am I missing something? Is the website failing again?

    Thank you for your attention and work on this and the Polyphone app!!!

    - Steve

  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Hmm sorry for that. I fixed a bug on the website but the change will not appear immediately. It is possible for you to use the beta version if you are using Windows ?
  • Ei 2 0
    Message de Einar le
    No worries. I thought if I was experiencing it, others may too.

    I have been occupied with some family matters and am just now getting back to the workstation. Sorry for the delay in responding.

    Sorry, I am one of those of the minority and use only Linux

    It looks like it is fixed, though. Thank you so much, Davy!

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