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Forced loop type when exporting samples

  • RG 7 0
    With the new Ver. 2.0 of Polyphone, when exporting wave files, the loop type is saved as "Forward" even if no loop point has been set for the sample and it should be kept as "One Shot".

    Hope you can fix this.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    This should be fixed in the next release 2.1 (not the beta). Thank you for the notice
  • RG 7 0
    I installed Ver. 2.1.0 but the problem remains...
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    I tried the following :
    • open a soundfont,
    • select a sample and set the loop to 0-0,
    • select a second sample and set the loop to 1-1,
    • select a third sample and set the loop to 123-456,
    • export the three samples (tool menu),
    • create a new soundfont,
    • import the three samples.
    Result: all samples have respectively the right loop points so for me the bug is fixed.

    Could you please describe what is not working and the different steps to reproduce it?

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