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Can't download

Catégorie : Aide
  • AP 4 0
    I am a new member, I am logged in, I have found what looks like exactly the right soundfont, but I can't download. What am I doing wrong? Something stupid I expect.
  • CS 73 0
    Message de csw900 le
    It would help if you told us exactly what you are trying to download!!! And where from.
  • AP 4 0
    I am trying to download a 5 string banjo soundfont on to my desk top to replace a hideous banjo soundfont on Musescore. downloading doesn't happen, and I am probably doing something (or not doing something) to make this potentially simple action inoperable. Does this help.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    the strange thing is that it has no .SF2 extension, but it works.
    try this; (if it is no longer there, it is no longer there; i have no use for a banjo.sf2)…MIN/view?usp=sharing 

  • AP 4 0
    Tank you for your help. I think I agree with you that it is no longer there. Plan B is to record my own soundbite. You may be hearing from me again......

    Thank you
  • All solved. For some reason downloads came unannounced into my download file, and there they are. Successfully transferred to Musescore, and all I have to do now is to persuade Musescore to play it. It will. Eventually. I promise.
    Thanks again for your help and time

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