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Adapting a given soundfont for wind controllers

Catégorie : Aide
  • Pe 2 0
    Message de Petra-Kathi le
    Hello @all,

    I have several sound fonts with continuous instruments (flute, cello, brass, harmonicas, ...) on my electronic shelf, but I am completely lost on how to adapt them (by adding controllers?) to respond appropriately to the CC2 (expression) messages of a wind controller.

    By influencing the total damping (dB) by the CC2 and setting a negative dependency of the controller message I did manage to get a dynamic response of a blown note to my expression variations, but only between initial velocity value and 0.

    My main issue: I couldn't get a crescendo from an initially low-volume tone to its full strength.

    In addition I am quite lost in how the values are to be interpreted: The range of values that had a recognizable effect ranged from just single ciphers to values of 10,000 and more. How are the given multiplicators etc. to be interpreted? Is there a section in a manual dealing with these topics?

    Kind regards,
  • 6 0
    Message de Samy.G le
    Hello Petra,

    first of all sorry for my poor English, i'm from belgium and usually speak french

    I would know wich type of breath controller you use?
    I have a akai ewi and it's possible to adapt SF2 for the device but EWI transmit the message note on. Some devices Don't do that so the arrangement of the different instructions are not the same.

    See you
  • Pe 2 0
    Message de Petra-Kathi le
    Hi Samy,

    I'm using an EWI USB.

    A friend suggested to set the note-on velocity by controller to 0 working on damping, and to use a 2nd controller to make the CC2 value perform damping with a negative linear curve again to the overal damping, with a factor of 960. It somewhat works, but the nonlinear, kind of 1/x curve with the same factor feels a bit more natural, but is far from the behaviour I'd expect from a natural instrument with respect to responsiveness.
    Would be nice if you could give me some hints!

    Kind regards,

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