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Root key from name + batch processing

  • JO 2 0
    Message de josh le 2
    I have three feature requests all regarding setting the root key for samples. These all stem from me trying to cut down the time it takes setting root key information for instruments that I am sampling and already know the root key. **Disclaimer: I am somewhat new to Polyphone so there's a chance some or all of these features already exist and I just misunderstood the documentation.

    1. If I name my stereo wav sample with some typical naming convention like "Piano-057-127" where 57(A) is the root key and 127 is the velocity, it would be nice if Polyphone could read information in this format and change the sample information accordingly so I didn't have to go through and edit the root key info in each individual sample and adjust the settings before creating an instrument.

    2. If I did have, say 30 samples named sequentially Piano1, Piano2, etc. where each one is sampled in a consistent interval from a piano vst, say 3 half-steps apart. It would be great if I could highlight them all and use a tool to set the root key of each sample automatically by using a batch processor to set the root key of the first sample at x value and increase the root key of each additional sample by 3 chromatic tones. Click ok, and all 30 samples have the proper root key.

    3. I would like to be able to replace samples in an soundfont and have them keep the same rootkey settings. I made a soundfont, spent a good deal of time on the instrument/preset settings and then later decided I wasn't happy with the sound of the actual wav samples themselves. So I created a new set of wavs and tried replacing the existing samples (90 stereo files/180 mono files), giving them the exact same file names so polyphone might easily associate their replacements. Clicked "replace all" and the samples loaded without any root key information from the old batch.

    I may be in the minority using polyphone in this way, but it would make polyphone so much more streamlined for this type of use case.

    Also, in a perfect world, a built in VST autosampler would be AMAZING, but I understand that this program isn't really meant to do that and it would require a ton of work, so that's only a "if I can have my cake and eat it too" type of request.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    if you name your samples like you intent to do in point 1, then ipoint 2 is not needed anymore. think..

    point 3; Polyphone replaces samples with samples of the same name, keeping their settings; just dont use stereo samples (stereo instruments dont exist).

    regards bottrop
  • JO 2 0
    Message de josh le
    I am thinking... If point 1 were a feature, point 2 might not be needed IF each sample were named properly with the note and velocity in the name. Naming samples in this way can be time consuming and often some programs will automatically name samples sequentially - e.g. "Piano1.wav" "Piano2.wav" thus it could still come in handy and cut down overall processing time without having to go through and rename each sample accordingly.

    Point 3: So in order to have a "stereo" soundfont of a sampled instrument with a stereo image and have all samples properly replaced, I would need to convert each stereo wav to a 2 mono wav files, correct? Thanks for the clarification on that, didn't realize that was the hangup.
  • WF 9 0
    Message de Wanda Fish le
    Root key from sample name - I am totally with you on that one. File names shall be our friends!
    Piano_60.wav or Piano_c4.wav should be good enough to guess the root key!

    As mentioned, some Polyphone versions do support this already (e.g. 1.8 - an intermediate ca. 2.0 does not)

    But: if stereo wav files break this feature, you should not just work around it.
    Turn it into a feature request!

    Guessing the root key from sample names (examples above) shall work for both mono and stereo samples.

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